Beidou Page 2 of 3

Rice Cooker

A modern appliance sits among old hand tools, both of which are used almost daily.

Woman Eating Lunch

Wedding Photographer

Pre-wedding photos are a tradition in Taishan.

Letter Carrier

Tire in a Tree


This fishmonger visits the village weekly.

Rice Miller

The miller pours the rice into the hopper. The machine removes the husks and sorts out the rice into a bag. The husks go into a separate bag.

A Village in Bei Dou Township

Dragon Fruit

Birthday Cooking


Qian Cheng

Granite Quarry

Quarrying the granite made the village wealthy enough to invest in a dragon fruit orchard.

Dragon Fruit Orchard

Gardener pruning trees in the dragon fruit orchard.

Bei Dou Vendor

Vendors come to this village on certain days of the week to sell their wares.


Pigs are a sign of wealth and prosperity. A pig sty is part of the house and this pig is about to be fed. They consume otherwise inedible…

Longqi Wan Beach

This is Longqi Wan beach at low tide. It is a popular resort with lots of activities for kids and adults.

Cooking With Fire Tender

Celebration calls for building special cooking woks.

Boats At Low Tide

A Toddler

Xia Chuan people have an old saying: “Babies and toddlers should wear old clothes because for them it is healthier.”

A Quiet Valley

People in this village live a quiet life growing rice and dragon fruit.