Chuan Islands Page 7 of 11
This group of small fishing boats is at rest. Early the next morning they will be out fishing.
At one time there was a pier on this shoreline. Or was it a pier? What happen to it?
This village is located between the mountains and river with only the bridge connecting it with groceries. Otherwise, it is a safe place to live.
Bulletin boards here in Shang Chuan island is no different than bulletin boards though out China. They serve to communicate with the populous what the government message is.
This is the back of the village gate. From here to the village is about a half mile.
Nice looking man
This is the store keeper. I met him as I was leaving.
In the store is a mah jong room. The customers pay to play.
In this photo of the village store you can see the candy, snacks and other miscellaneous items. There is very little extras in the store. Each item is…
The village store is small, most emergency supplies like instant noodles and waters. In the other picture the candy and snacks is more prominent.
Many buildings in this village are abandoned, usually because the residents built new housing or moved somewhere more modern.
Woman resting in the shade. Villagers work hard for what little they have. Notice the wooden tools (against the wall), repaired old chair and plastic shoes.
Not too far in the distant past this well was in active use. City water has displaced it.
The community thanks these donors to the community center..
All the activities revolves around the Community Center. Inside are ping pong tables, mah jong tables, and other activities including town hall meetings.
With new found wealth, the village has gotten modern. This old mud pack building is forgotten.
This private home has good luck and good wishes around the door.
The asphalt on this road is fairly new and built for a single car or many bicycles.