Taicheng Page 18 of 31
She an entrepreneur who start selling dong on the corner. Now, she is selling dong wholesale to many corners.
The “Kong Dai” bridge crosses the Taicheng river connecting both sides. It was the first bridge built eons ago and has been replaced many times.
This soup is made from “Sand Worms” (real worm), according to my friend. She doesn’t know what medicinal purposes it has, just that it is good for you.
I saw this flash in the water. I could’t make it out until it got closer. A snake with a fish in its mouth. He was swimming around…
This man spends time sharpening his tools. A sharp knife is less dangerous then a dull blade.
Herb sales continue to be a hot item. The Chinese believe in preventative medicine and practice it with the meals they cook.
There are a lot of second-hand cars because no 13 year or older car can be on the road.
My cousin, Yuen, sells fruit when its in season. There are five persons in their cohort. They have four carts and travel together to get the fruit, sell…
Cardboard recycling is a must. Each year in China, 20.6 billion packages* are sent. Each package contain a lot of cardboard and cushion material. After the customer removes…
All quiet, The evening is settle in. Most people are eating dinner before coming out to enjoy the lake and its environs.
The street are filled with people; shops are opened for business, there even churches and schools; and there is the Gao Ye hotel at the end of the…
Producers don’t have an easy job. They must travel to the story; they must record the story; then they must research and edit the story so it makes…
Generally, from hill to hill the flat land in between is plowed. Then it takes a team of people to plant rice.
All around the world, piece work is done usually by the poor or those trying to get ahead. Taishan is no different. These women are plugging in electronic…
Pedicure! Pedicure! Pedicure!, shouts this woman until she find a customer. Quietly, quickly, she trims and files the nail. Some may even have their nails painted. Done, she…
There are more motorcycles except bicycles than any other vehicle on the road. Naturally, they have parking lots. China has sold 26.4 million motorcycles in 2012, comparatively, motorcycle sales in…
I am always fascinated by the ornaments people put on the buildings. This one, a sprout brings joy to my eyes. Maybe that’s why wealthy people put ornaments…
Taishan nuclear power plant started construction in 2009 with an estimated commission date of late 2017. It cost 50.2 billion yuan (US$7.5 billion). In mainland China, there are 36…
Ren Kung Wu – eastside. The Chinese love building stopping places to rest and relax. Here are pavilions which can accommodate parties and other gatherings.