Shrimps have been harvested for centuries and sun dried shrimp is still considered to be a delicacy in many parts of the world. Drying shrimp has been proven…
While this woman is waiting for customers for her bronze figurines, she is making shoes. All over Taishan, I saw people working hard. When one job is finished…
Generally, motorcycle have a thirteen year life on the road, according to the Chinese government. Afterwards, they sold off to people who don’t drive on the road but…
Newly opened, these restaurants offer seafood and more. This was a desolate spot until someone decide to rehab it into restaurant row with deep-freezer storage for business, a…
These fellows are recycling components. I don’t know what they are but they were careful to put the screws into one box, the faceplate into another, and the…
There is a building boom in Taicheng. Everywhere large buildings to small structures are being built. These men are erecting scaffolding for the next structure.
Printing is a process for reproducing text and images using a template. The earliest known form of woodblock printing came from China dating to before 220 A.D. Later developments in printing include…
“Shao Hua Yi” (Burn Flower Clothes) holiday is from the first until the fifteen day in July (Chinese calendar) in which to honor their ancestors. At home in…
In this plant, plastic bags are made, printed, and stacked. These women are stacking and bundling the bags, getting them ready for the customer. The “blueist” overtone covers…
In the Phoenix (Biguiyuan) hotel, one can play ping pong, billiards, and other games. It has large swimming pool, huge dining rooms, and a gigantic lobby. All the…
The Phoenix (Bicguiyuan) gateway is a half mile long corridor filled with high end shops, entrances to the gated community (a community of condos, apartments and houses), and,…
When building a business one resorts to advertising. A full page ad in the newspaper is just one of the tools. This pharmacy advertises traditional Chinese medicine.
This fish monger holds an entire paddlefish. Although it is boney, a lot of people like paddlefish. In Taishan, there are restaurants which specializes in paddle fish.