Taicheng Page 28 of 31
The Phoenix Garden (Biguiyuan) hotel is the most opulent in Taishan. It is rated five stars, has a huge swimming pool, recreation room, restaurants, and, shops.
Some markets open 24/7.
Just a cute picture.
Hot pot is a leisurely meal in which the parties cook the ingredients themselves. Then, they dip the food into sauces and eat.
After she delivered her package, she was happy at being photograph.
Barbeque pork is one the easiest business to set up; although some grills are elaborate. Western Chinese (for example: Muslims from Xinjiang) come to Taishan for the economic…
Lamb is a popular meat. This goat’s head is all that is left.
Entrepreneurs with a sole idea can make their way in this market. Under a bridge approach, this one-man-show put condiments on sale.
The cook spreads rice dough onto the pan, adds the ingredients the customer wants, and put it in the steamer. Five minutes later steamed rice noodle fresh as…
Vendors who don’t rent a regular spot tend to lay out their wares on the street (there are only sidewalks on the main streets). They write their prices…
People take bus trips everywhere, but mostly between towns within Taishan.
This pressman is setting up the press for a run of 10,000 copies. He must ensure the registration (alignment of colors).
Chinese buildings code allow building up to eight stories without an elevator. I am on the seventh floor looking across the way. Not an elevator in sight.
The services for the deceased includes a whole roast pig.
Taishan girl sells hundred of cigarettes daily. China has 350 million smokers who smoke over 1,700,000,000 cigarettes per annum, more people than the population of the United States….
This boy just loves his ice cream.
Some people are really picky about what their family eats. So, they choose carefully.
Chinese like their meat fresh. After they purchase a chicken they take it to be cleaned by a “chicken dresser.”
Upscale mattress and bedding stores are popping up. Mostly, due to remissions from factory workers and overseas Chinese.
Motorcycle is the main means of transportation. This kid is getting picked up after school.
Chinese like their chicken fresh so they buy it live. They either slaughter the chicken themselves or they pay some one.