These blocks had bluing put on. On the bluing the machinist scribes the exact lines per the drawing. The blocks will be mounted on a milling machine to…
At these prices only the young people with discretionary income come here. For example: in 2012 a #5 hamburger, fries and, a coke cost 25 rmb = $4.00….
This is the starting line of the Fifth Overseas Chinese Walking marathon. The crowd is crossing the starting line. Everyone appears to be having a good time.
China uses liters in dispensing their liquids. Gasoline is no exception. Converted the price is $2.15 a gallon. The average wages is 3,200 rmb or $800 a month. He…
Tai Cheng is trying clean up their streets. They promulgate new rules via TV, newspapers and community bulletin boards. They put out new trash cans but near misses…
Moving up river, this barge is delivering coal to small villages. Most villages still use coal for cooking and heating. When coal is not available many villagers use…