Prior to the creation of Special Economic Zones, truck mechanics were a rare breed. Today, more mechanic and technicians are needed to keep the economy going.
Dog grooming is now a big business. Prior to the creation of the Special Economic Zones dogs were considered as food. With the new found wealth, in some…
“Darkie Toothpaste.” Colgate repackaged this product, marketed in Asia, in response to complaints that the name and logo were racist. They changed the design with a “racially ambiguous”…
This village is in the heart of town; the toilet is used by the residents of this village. The few new buildings with indoor plumbing are mixed in with…
There are all sorts of Lottery in China. Some benefit welfare recipients, hospitals, and emergency relief. This lottery benefits sports. Regardless, the lottery here, like in America, is a…
Since the opening of China, some entrepreneurs have build chain stores. They have hired girls to conduct inventory, stock shelves, check out customers. I notice the stores conduct…
Anthony, an art instructor, teaches a student how to hold a brush. To write the full range of characters, one has to hold the brush perpendicular to the…