Kuan Yin symbolizes kindness, love, compassion, pity, empathy, concern, or solicitude. This goddess symbolizes the divine love and energy that comes from enlightenment. She is the epitome of love for her worshipers. When one calls upon her, it is believed that she answers the cries (prayers) of the depressed beings. Thus, a statue of Kuan Yin is said to balance the energy levels of the place because it cures all ills.

The Vase: The vase held by the goddess contains divine water. Often, statues depict a stream of water or ‘Water of Life’ being poured down from a vase. This water has the power to eliminate the sufferings of the poor, and is believed to be the water of creation. It can free human bodies and minds from any defilement. The sacred dew drops act as an elixir for the miserable.