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A popular place is McDonald’s. It is early morning and the ground floor is filled with people. As a fast food place it is not. Other places are…

Pig Lung

All meats are fresh and without the fancy wrappings. This allow the customer to examine it from all sides.

Kim – Lychee Vendor

Kim is offering me a sample of lychees.

Lucky Charms

Lucky charms for sale while this woman makes another one. The Chinese are a superstitious lot. They believe in ghosts, guarding one’s speech and gambling when the stars…

Chicken Talons

Almost all the chicken feet get imported. This bag comes from Brazil.

Vendors – Walnut and Toys

Vendors of all types populate the beginning of Pu Hung Jie. These vendors sell walnuts and balloon toys.

Portrait of a Man

I don’t know if this man is homeless or what, just interesting.

Taishan Haikou Port Museum

This large cavernous building houses the Taishan Haikou museum. The museum is in its nascent stages and it shows how other countries treat Chinese immigrants.

Old Building in Taishan Haikou Port

In Taishan Haikou port stands this old building. They plan to restore it to 1930’s condition when some of the Chinese laborers left for America.

Taishan Haikou Port

Trail of South China memorial is honor the ones who pioneer the outward migration of Chinese. It started in this location.

Train Engine

A memorial to Chee Hee, the builder of China first railroad in 1909. It stood until the Japanese invaded Taishan. The Chinese tore it up so the Japanese…

Health Inspectors Entrance

Every pig must be inspected by the Heath Department inspectors.

Pigs Driven Along

These pigs were reluctant to move along. The man uses a long bamboo to move the relented pigs along.



This wheelbarrow is designed for the hills too. Notice one wheel has a bald tire while the other has a kind of cleats to bite into the soil.

Clothes Washer

Unlike our American type, these clothes washers tend to be smaller and more efficient, usually a top loader and clothes to be washed is measure in kilograms.

New Village

Sign says new (XIN) village. Actually, it’s an old village with all the buildings tore down and replaced with modern high rises (visible in the background) and with…

Applying moxibustion

When you go and get your feet washed (at this place) they wash your feet scrape the dead skin off and apply moxibustion. The moxibustion removes irritants and…

Wash Feet Scraping

Getting your feet washed is a luxury. First they wash your feet up passed your ankles. Then they scrape the dead skin from your feet.

Woman with Two Children

The government has lifted the mandatory one child law. Effective from January 2016, the national birth planning policy became a universal two-child policy that allowed each couple to have…

Pigs Being Delivered

These fat pigs are be delivered to the slaughter house.