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In the distance, one can see the “new” bridge to Kaiping.
In Cao Ping Cun I found these threshing machine and bridges. The grain on the stalk goes the top of the trashing machine, a worker spins the wheel…
The roads are built up all around this field. Therefore a bridge is needed for the farmer to reach the field.
South lake of Ren Kung Wu. The lake is covered with beautiful flowers in the fall.
Northern edge of north lake of Ren Kung Wu.
This woman had a hard day.
Bridge with mini-pagoda, Ren Kung Wu.
Each year the towns which comprise Taishan compete.
Each year, hundreds of brides come to the bridge for pictures.
Ren Kung Wu has multiple bridges and islands.
“Ng Lung Qiao” is the name of the bridge in Taishanese.
The “Kong Dai” bridge crosses the Taicheng river connecting both sides. It was the first bridge built eons ago and has been replaced many times.