Tag: buildings Page 2 of 7

Ly Chee Cun

The back of the village which fronts on the river. Notice the levee built to hold back flood waters.

Electrical Switch

You make do with what you have. This would never pass inspection in America.

Old House in Cao Ping Cun

New Versus Old

One can see a modern structure amidst the old buildings.

Cao Ping Cun

She is cleaning and drying. See the clothes upstairs, the carpets on the bamboo, and the fruit peels on the sidewalk.

East Wing of Train Station

The East wing of the train station has plenty of room for people to haul their luggage.

New Train Station

The new train station is modern, utilizing modern technology, and high speed rail.

Quiet Beach and Quiet Boats


This store is located in Hak Sha Wan. It is new, modern, and spacious.

Little Boy

Is this little boy doing what I think he’s doing? Yes! In China, little boys are taught to go to the curb and urinate; little girls squat butt…

New Building

This new building is going up. It is a sign that prosperity is trickle down.

Blue Building

This blue building is getting ready to be torn down, Make way for progress!


These apartments are above the shops.

Tax Service Hall

Main Street

Modern Building

On the main street, this a fairly modern triangular building on the corner. On the side street notice the old buildings and street surface.


This building is six stories high with no elevators. As I understand it, in China, in apartments or condos they only put elevators in building eight stories or…

Bridge in Si Jiu

Chong Lou Middle School

Chong Lou has only one middle school. It is modern by Chinese standards. In front is Zhu Dan Yu, a math teacher.

Ombudsman Office

This government building is the Ombudsman office of Chong Lou. Ombudsman assist citizens with problems, any kind problems. This first step towards mediation prevents a lot of court…

Teacher’s Training Center

In Chong Lou this is the teacher’s training center. Teachers receive in-service  training, policy directives, and write their lessons plans.