Tag: cage

Dirty Scooter

I guess that he sold his pig and chickens (pig cage on top of chicken cage) . Now, he is entitled to a rest.

Vendor Showing a Chicken

This vendor is showing the quality of her chicken to the women.

Variety of Chickens

Selling chickens is a competitive business. And, the variety of chickens are many.

Woman and Chicken

This woman reached in and scooped out a chicken. She didn’t like it. So, she put it back and scooped out another one until she was satisfied.

Successful Entrepreneur

He sold several chickens to the customer.


These entrepreneurs are hoping to sell their chickens at the best prices, thanks to market reforms.

Bird in a Cage

Chinese have a particular fascination for birds. Birds appear in Chinese mythology such as: The Red Bird is the power of the south. The Phoenix is the emperor of all birds….


After all the  cages are built, there comes the buffer. Slowly and methodically, he shine away the dirt and grime left by the welding process.

Rabbits in Cages

Rabbits are food source.