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© 2025 The Taishan Project
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It looks like they are cleaning the beach. What I want to know is how come the electrical towers, poles, and wires are on the beach?
I assume this is a group for community service. I saw some police officers supervising them.
With the newness of the station all signage is cleaned daily.
This boat is cleaning the shoreline between the ship and shore. The man standing is rowing the boat facing forward. This is so he can maneuver the boat…
In his boat, he goes around Ren Kung Wu Lake cleaning.
This entrepreneur opened a stall cleaning fowl.
Cleaning a storefront is part of doing business. This woman mops, cleans windows and sweeps the street in front of the shop.
They built a huge shopping center along the river. It failed. Cleaning up the river is the boat’s function. It succeed.
Daily, this cleaner get in his boat and goes around the lake picking up trash.