Tag: people Page 1 of 30

Herb Sales

In China the first line of defense towards good health is herbs. This is an herb salesman. Visible is a pile of “Shu Sit” and in the bag,…

Cane Juicer

Sugar Cane comes in long pieces about an inch and a half in diameter. The vendor cuts the cane into juice size pieces and then feeds them into…

Home Altar

Names of ancestors who have passed on have their names are written and prominently place in the family altar. Living descendents remember and honor them by presenting food…

Oyster Worker


New Roof

In this village despite it being old one can tell who has the better house.

Oyster Tractor

Street in Sanhe (San Gop)

Plastic (right) and Hardware Stores

Woman Cutting Wood

Woman is preparing for an evening meal. She must have fuel for her wood burning stove.

Oysters loaded onto trailer

Oyster workers eating lunch

Sanhe street

“Hin Gi” Breakfast Restaurant

Sun Rise Spa Restaurant

Hallmark Cards

After printing, Hallmark card stops here. With a glue gun, this woman is attaching a ribbon to the card’s front. Then the cards go onto another station.

Card Factory

A big contractor gets the bid from Hallmark. Then they farm it out to small factories like this one, a one room garage type.

One Room Garment Factory

A contractor will win a large contract. He/she will piece out the contract to lots of small shops. This way he doesn’t own a factory and insures he…

Peeling Potatoes

Carrying Bucket and Basket


Woman Lighting Fire

Before feeding the pigs, the woman is cooking the pig’s food.