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© 2025 The Taishan Project
Site design by Red Bean Company
New regulations do not permit the balcony to bump out. The street sign with the house and tree is inscrutable.
This sign gently tells us: “Take a step to relax and be healthy.”
Persons often work two or three jobs on this island with few people. The sign says: If one is here call this number.
Information sign was placed here for the benefit of tourists. At the bottom notice the English.
The alarm bell used to sit here.
This is a wind turbine warning sign.
There are too many signs at this junction. The blue sign is to senior housing.
Anyone traveling will find their destination listed and the time the train leaves.
This store is located in Hak Sha Wan. It is new, modern, and spacious.
The VIPs and every team that choses to get their picture taken on the platform.
Typical street scene in Chong Lou. Interesting to note: modern signs printed on vinyl are attached to a wire frame which is attached to the building.
In the older parts of Chong Lou one finds electric wires surface mounted. Actually, this is true all over China. The older buildings have water pipes and electrical…
I found the entrance to this restaurant interesting because of all the red stickers in the front followed by a repeat of the name in the back.
This menu is prominently placed on Feishashan’s boardwalk.
Sign says “No selling from cars permitted.”
Tourists leave their cars and take the ferry. For vehicles under two tons, over two tons, and over ten tons the overnight parking the rates are posted