Tag: trash

Trash Bins

Trash Bins

These bins are for recycle, batteries, and trash. The bottom four words says: Taishan Environment.

Hauling Trash

This woman works in a print shop which prints on to mylar. She is taking out the detritus.


Two men drove up in a truck. They got out, pulled their bucket and shovels out and started cleaning the trash.

Older Part of Chong Lou

In the older parts of Chong Lou one finds electric wires surface mounted. Actually, this is true all over China. The older buildings have water pipes and electrical…

Rusty Storage

A River Runs Through

I don’t know the name of the river but I like the photo.


This stream is not covered. People dump trash and what have you’s on the side. The yellow sign ask people not to dump.

Trash Can

Tai Cheng is trying clean up their streets. They promulgate new rules via TV, newspapers and community bulletin boards. They put out new trash cans but near misses…

Recycler, Homeless

Homeless man happy to find a bottle.

Peking Ducks and Trash

Trash and more trash is what I see. If I was preparing these duck for roasting and sale, I would find a better place to dry them.

WC in Town

There are WC’s are all over town. The problem is most the older homes still lack basic plumbing. Chamberpots areĀ used at night; in the day, they are emptied…