Tag: tricycle


There are two tri-motors in this photo, each for a different use.

Tot on a Tricycle

The mom guides the tricycle while the tot enjoys the ride.

Night Market

Some markets open to all hours.

Tot on a Tricycle

Almost every kid starts out on a tricycle. Note: photo taken in Xia Chuan

Quail Eggs

The little dome of salt inside contains cooked quail eggs for sale.

Grandfather and boy

Typical of living conditions, the grandfather takes care of his grandson in front of the home.

Shang Chuan Downtown

Shang Chuan frontage road.

Tired Vegetable Vendor

Food vendors work long hours.

The Ice Man Cometh

Couple on a Trike

A tricycle is for  doing business and getting around.

Tying Logs on Tricycle

I don’t know why they are carry the logs. If anyone knows, please contact me. Thank you.

Tricycle and Jeremy

Accompanied by our cousins, we were shopping for a tricycle for them. Jeremy tried out the tricycle, too small. Then again, he is 6’2′ tall; our cousins are…

Countryside in the Rain

During the rain people rest or do work indoors. The rice is planted and the fields are growing. The tricyclist peddles down the road. Quiet.


Ramps are on all public stairs facilitating all bicycles and tricycles.