Tag: woman Page 15 of 16

Milling Machine Machinist

Women can do the job men traditional hold. There is actually more women in the work force then men because of the one child policy.

Family Eating

The nuclear family consist of two parents and one child. This year, 2016, they permit two children.

Shoes For Sales

When a shoe store isn’t possible, then shoe sales at the open market takes place.

“Good Fortune” Bamboo Factory

These girls are in repetitive tasks for ten hours a shift until the demand is meet. Then, they go back to their farms.

Repair Boat

The workers are taking a lunch break. When working, they go along the river banks cleaning and repairing what is necessary.

Bicycle Repair

Everyone’s bicycle needs repair sometime. These one-man shops are everywhere in Taicheng. Bicycle still remain the number one form of transportation.


This barber set up business around the lake, a mirror, a chair, and haircutting and shaving tools – 15 rmb


Sunrise Hot Springs is among the most popular. There is a lap pool, four different temperature pools, and, medicinal pools. But the huge wave generating pool is the…

Shoes, Shoes, and Shoes

Picking the right shoe from so many choices, Not only that, one has to look out for the knock-offs.

Real Estate

China is coming out of a rural environment and into an urban one. Housing is cheap and plentiful. Apartments buildings are going up fast. One thing to note,…

Toddler and her Mother on a Scooter

The scooter is cheap form of transportation. For daily chores it can carry the mother, the toddler, and, some goods.

Line Dancing

Each evening, line dancers dance for an hour, getting their exercise and entertainment.

Hot Pot

Hot pot is a leisurely meal in which the parties cook the ingredients themselves. Then, they dip the food into sauces and eat.

Happy Delivery Person

After she delivered her package, she was happy at being photograph.

Chung Fun

The cook spreads rice dough onto the pan, adds the ingredients the customer wants, and put it in the steamer. Five minutes later steamed rice noodle fresh as…


Taishan girl sells hundred of cigarettes daily. China has 350 million smokers who smoke over 1,700,000,000 cigarettes per annum, more people than the population of the United States….

Farmer and her garden

After selling her produce on the market, she returns to her garden.

Buy Chicken Parts

Some people are really picky about what their family eats. So, they choose carefully.

Chickens for Sale

Chinese like their meat fresh. After they purchase a chicken they take it to be cleaned by a “chicken dresser.”

Tot on a Bicycle

Bicycles are the main means of transportation.

Oyster Shucker

Everyday, they shuck oysters for restaurants, fast food stores, and individual clients.