Lucky charms for sale while this woman makes another one. The Chinese are a superstitious lot. They believe in ghosts, guarding one’s speech and gambling when the stars…
This large cavernous building houses the Taishan Haikou museum. The museum is in its nascent stages and it shows how other countries treat Chinese immigrants.
A memorial to Chee Hee, the builder of China first railroad in 1909. It stood until the Japanese invaded Taishan. The Chinese tore it up so the Japanese…
The government has lifted the mandatory one child law. Effective from January 2016, the national birth planning policy became a universal two-child policy that allowed each couple to have…
Trail of South China memorial at Haikou port, there are many steles. The steles covered with letters home by successful migrants telling of their condition.
On top of the eighth floor, this roof-top garden grows all the vegetables one needs with extra to sell. Farmers living in condos are not that far removed…