Tag: woman Page 6 of 16
This woman is assembling some components, (see the small part in her hand). They earn one penny (0.01 rm.) per assembly. All over China, companies contract out tedious…
The miller is getting something. The customer is checking out the machinery.
The customer is getting ready to have his grain mill.
For people living in the dormitories, this is the cooking area.
To hire enough workers sometime one has to ‘hire’ the entire family. In the background is the dormitory where they live. In the foreground, families working together make…
Police ride Segways to monitor the tail end of the marathon.
The VIPs and every team that choses to get their picture taken on the platform.
The crowd is lining up to the start line. The serious runners went earlier.
Typical street scene in Chong Lou. Interesting to note: modern signs printed on vinyl are attached to a wire frame which is attached to the building.
In following the tradition of Taishan these dish washers wash dishes in cold water in the front of the restaurant.
These wholesalers are organizing their green peppers for distribution.
The restaurant business is a funny business. Could it be these are needed for Hot Pot suppers?
The boy is watching two men carry a tank.