Tag: woman Page 7 of 16

Fast Food

A man can set up a ‘restaurant’ with a couple of coal burners, some pots and pans, and sell waffles and eggs. I don’t know if a license…


No refrigeration required for the meat. The vegetables laid out on the ground. They can make a shop anywhere.

Public Square

The public square is where the vendors come to sell their goods; the people come to play cards; and everyone comes to exercise.

Drying Clothes

In Taishan most households  have washers but do not have dryers.  To dry they resort to the sun.

Store Fronts

The one on the left is a beauty salon and on the right is a bakery.


Taishan has a homeless problem just like we do. Although, I don’t know what the government is doing about it.

Grooming Service

Dog grooming is now a big business. Prior to the creation of the Special Economic Zones dogs were considered as food. With the new found wealth, in some…

Card Player

This woman card player, who is playing at a senior center, is enjoying her game. Card playing is popular among all Chinese


People still live in houseboats. I wonder what those five people are doing. Are the gardening?

Store front in Shang Chuan Town

The woman is cleaning up her store front while the man is waiting for a customer.

Woman Resting

Woman resting in the shade. Villagers work hard for what little they have. Notice the wooden tools (against the wall), repaired old chair and plastic shoes.

Road to the Village

The asphalt on this road is fairly new and built for a single car or many bicycles.

Floating Wharf

This wharf floats to stay even with all the boats tied up to it. It allows goods to be on-loaded and off-loaded easier.

Temple of Gods

Everywhere tourists go they will build a temple.

Vendor On Beach

This vendor carries wild pineapple and almost anything to make a sale. With her pole, she uses both ends to carry the goods.

Entrance Fees

This woman collects entrance fees to the resort area.

Landing At Shang Chuan Harbor

We landed at Shang Chuan harbor. It was still a long walk to the waiting car.

Interior of the Ferry

Once you move into the interior of the ferry, get your seat, and sit down they close the doors. The ferry is seal up like a brand new…


She picking up her packages ready to go and greet the tourists


Tourist returning from Chuan Islands. As Taishan is gaining in wealth tourism is getting to be big business.

Vendors Surround Tourists

People catching the ferry are targets for vendors. This vendor is selling dried fish.